The Benefits of the Hivette menstrual cups

The Benefits of Menstrual Cups: Waste Reduction from 10,000 Units Hivette Sold by The Hive Eco Store
At The Hive Eco Store, we take pride in our contribution to sustainability. Over the past 8 years, we’ve sold over 10,000 menstrual cups—products that not only provide personal health benefits but also significantly reduce environmental waste. Let’s take a closer look at the incredible impact this has on the planet.
Each individual who switches to a menstrual cup avoids using around 240 disposable tampons or pads every year. Over the 8-year period since these cups were sold, each person using a menstrual cup has saved approximately 1,920 disposable products from being thrown away.
Now, consider the collective impact of the 10,000 menstrual cups sold by The Hive. These 10,000 cups have collectively prevented 19.2 million disposable menstrual products from being used and discarded over the past 8 years. That's 19.2 million tampons, pads, and their plastic packaging that will never end up in landfills or oceans.
Given that a single disposable pad contains as much plastic as four plastic bags, the sale of 10,000 menstrual cups has helped avoid the equivalent of 76.8 million plastic bags worth of waste—an astonishing reduction in plastic pollution.
By choosing reusable menstrual cups, our customers have made a direct contribution to reducing landfill waste, cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions, and conserving resources that would otherwise be consumed in manufacturing disposable products. Together, we’re taking meaningful steps towards a zero-waste future.